What to expect?
You are very welcome to join us at a Sunday service. It can be daunting walking into a new church for the first time, whether you are used to church or new to the whole experience. We seek to keep our faith in Jesus Christ at the heart of everything we are about and do. We want to do our best to make it as easy as possible for you to settle in, to get to know people, and to get involved.
Where does St Andrew’s meet?
We’re located on Pilkington Avenue Westlands ST5 3RE; there’s a car park at the rear and plenty of on-street parking round the square too
When should I arrive?
Why not aim to arrive 5-10 or so minutes before the meeting begins. Be sure to look for our welcomers as you come into the building. As well as welcoming you, they’ll try to answer any questions you may have.
What to wear?
We want you to feel comfortable joining us, but there is no set dress code. Some dress moderately formally; others wear shorts and t-shirts even in winter, so feel free to come as you are – church is about meeting with God and his people, not the clothes you’re wearing.
How accessible is your building
Click here for our accessibility page
What about the risk of infection in a large gathering?
Though we are no longer taking any special measures, our large building dilutes any germs. In addition our 8.30am service has far fewer people, and no singing either.
Will I feel uncomfortable?
We don’t want visitors to our church to feel uncomfortable. As a visitor, you won’t be singled out or asked to do anything you don’t want to do. You can feel free to arrive at the last minute, take a seat and listen in. You can leave whenever you like. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to be, but we encourage you to introduce yourself to us – we’d love to meet you.
What will happen?
At the heart of everything we do is a trust in the living God, who we believe has revealed himself through his word, the bible. A main component of our 10.45 and 6.30 services is singing – often a mixture of contemporary songs and traditional hymns. You’re welcome to sing along, or just listen (the words will be provided). We hear about and pray for church family news (again, you can just listen); passages from the Bible will also be read and then explained to us in a talk. You can find some of our recent Bible talks as a component of our online services on our youtube channel ; and our archive of separate sermons from previous years can be found here.
What about children?
Babies, children and young people are very welcome at our churches. Our Sunday Club for 3-11’s takes place at the same time as our 10.45 service – visit our Youth and Children’s work page and scroll down to Sunday Groups for more information.
3’s and under are welcome in our main services too – and if they’re struggling, you can take them to Mr Noisy’s room, which has a sound relay to enable parents/carers to continue to follow the service
What happens at the end?
It’s a good time to meet others – and after the 10.45 service tea, filter coffee & cold drinks are served (all free of charge).
Do I need to book or buy a ticket?
No! Just come along and there will be someone to welcome just inside at the doors.
Alternatively if you’d like someone to meet you outside to welcome you and show you the ropes, do send a message to our facebook page and we’ll do our best to get back to you to arrange it
Our Welcome Message 
‘I was a stranger and you invited me in’ Matthew 25.35
‘God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us’ Romans 5:8
‘Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.’ Matthew 7:24
Click on the following links to go to…
… A summary of what the Christian faith is all about
… Stories about finding Christian Faith
Talk to us in person…
Tel: 01782 619594 or email: [email protected]