St Andrew’s Safeguarding 
St Andrew’s PCC has formally adopted the House of Bishops’ ‘Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement’. We regularly update our own policy documents giving details of how these important principles are applied locally in regard to our work both with children & young people,  and with Vulnerable adults.
Andrew Dawswell, Vicar, on behalf of St Andrew’s PCC

If you have any concerns in this regard you are encouraged to contact any of the following

Andrew Dawswell, Vicar of St Andrew’s   [email protected] 01782 619594
Margaret Hollins, Churchwarden [email protected] 01782 612009


Additional contact details for regional and national agencies in this, and other related fields:

Staffordshire County Council’s First Response Service: 0800 1313 126   0800 1111
Victims of domestic abuse 0300 303 3778